Dr. Yuanke Liang
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Geneva, Sciences III
30 Quai E. Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4
Tel.: +41-22-379-3651
Email: yuanke.liang@unige.ch
Born in 1993 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Nationality: Chinese
2023 -
Postdoc, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Geneva
2018 - 2023
PhD, VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium (Supervisor: Prof. Lieven De Veylder)
2017 - 2018
Visiting student, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Supervisor: Prof. Yonghong Wang)
2016 - 2018
MSc in Crop Genetics and Breeding, Rice Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, China (Supervisor: Prof. Jianqing Zhu)
2012 - 2016
BSc in Plant Science and Technology, Faculty of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, China
Liang, Y., Heyman, J., Lu, R., and De Veylder, L. (2023) Evolution of wound-activated regeneration pathways in the plant kingdom. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 102: 151291.
Willems, A., Liang, Y., Heyman, J., Depuydt, T., Eekhout, T., Canher, B., Van den Daele, H., Vercauteren, I., Vandepoele, K., and De Veylder, L. (2022) Plant lineage-specific PIKMIN1 drives APC/CCCS52A2 E3-ligase activity-dependent cell division. Plant Physiol. 191: 1574-1595.
Liang, Y., Heyman, J., Xiang, Y., Vandendriessche, W., Canher, B., Goeminne, G., and De Veylder, L. (2022) The wound-activated ERF15 transcription factor drives Marchantia polymorpha regeneration by activating an oxylipin biosynthesis feedback loop. Sci. Adv. 8: eabo7737.
Su, Y., Li, L., Farooq, M.U., Huang, X., Zheng, T., Zhang, Y.J., Ei, H.H., Panhwar, F.H., Tang, Z., Zeng, R., Liang, Y., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2021) Rescue effects of Se-enriched rice on physiological and biochemical characteristics in cadmium poisoning mice. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 28: 20023-20033.
Ei, H.H., Zheng, T., Farooq, M.U., Zeng, R., Su, Y., Zhang, Y., Liang, Y., Tang, Z., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2020) Impact of selenium, zinc and their interaction on key enzymes, grain yield, selenium, zinc concentrations, and seedling vigor of biofortified rice. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 27: 16940-16949.
Zeng, R., Farooq, M.U., Zhang, G., Tang, Z., Zheng, T., Su, Y., Hussain, S., Liang, Y., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2020) Dissecting the potential of selenoproteins extracted from selenium-enriched rice on physiological, biochemical and anti-ageing effects in vivo. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 196: 119-130.
Liang, Y., Su, Y., Li, L., Huang, X., Panhwar, F.H., Zheng, T., Tang, Z., Ei, H.H., Farooq, M.U., Zeng, R., Zhang, Y., Ye, X., Jia, X., Zheng, L., and Zhu, J. (2019) Quick selenium accumulation in the selenium-rich rice and its physiological responses in changing selenium environments. BMC Plant Biol. 19: 559.
Farooq, M.U., Tang, Z., Zheng, T., Asghar, M.A., Zeng, R., Su, Y., Ei, H.H., Liang, Y., Zhang, Y., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2019) Cross-talk between cadmium and selenium at elevated cadmium stress determines the fate of selenium uptake in rice. Biomolecules 9: 247.
Zeng, R.*, Liang, Y.*, Farooq, M.U.*, Zhang, Y., Ei, H.H., Tang, Z., Zheng, T., Su, Y., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2019) Alterations in transcriptome and antioxidant activity of naturally aged mice exposed to selenium-rich rice. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int. 26: 17834-17844. (*equal contribution)
Farooq, M.U., Tang, Z., Zeng, R., Liang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zheng, T., Ei, H.H., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2019) Accumulation, mobilization, and transformation of selenium in rice grain provided with foliar sodium selenite. J. Sci. Food Agric. 99: 2892-2900.
Liang, Y.*, Farooq, M.U.*, Zeng, R.*, Tang, Z., Zhang, Y., Zheng, T., Ei, H.H., Ye, X., Jia., X., and Zhu, J. (2018) Breeding of selenium rich red glutinous rice, protein extraction and analysis of the distribution of selenium in grain. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 20: 1005-1011. (*equal contribution)
Liang, Y., Farooq, M.U., Hu, Y., Tang, Z., Zhang, Y., Zeng, R., Zheng, T., Ei, H.H., Ye, X., Jia, X., and Zhu, J. (2018) Study on stability and antioxidant activity of red anthocyanidin glucoside rich hybrid rice, its nutritional and physicochemical characteristics. Food Sci. Technol. Res. 24: 687-696.